How Target Retirement {{ fundOrTrust }}s work
How to choose one
What happens on the target date

Before you invest, get the details. Consider the fund’s objective, risks, charges, and expenses. The fund’s prospectus (or summary prospectus, if available) will tell you these important facts and more. So read it carefully. Call Vanguard at 800-523-1188 to get one. Or you can find one at

Before you invest, get the details. Consider the fund’s objective, risks, charges, and expenses. The fund’s prospectus (or summary prospectus, if available) will tell you these important facts and more. So read it carefully. To get one for any Vanguard fund, contact the company that sends your retirement plan statements.

Vanguard Target Retirement Trusts are collective trusts, not mutual funds. This type of investment is offered only in retirement plans like yours. Before you invest, get the details. Know and carefully consider the objective, risks, charges, and expenses. Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company manages the Vanguard collective trusts.